Computer science and engineering in the Formation Ingénieur Civil des Mines

In first year (1A) of FICM...

students follow a core curriculum before choosing their department of specialization. The members of the department provide two core courses in computer science and supervise scientific projects. These are the semesters 5 and 6.

In second year (2A) of FICM...

each student follows 8 out of 10 courses in the department (in addition to the core scientific curriculum, elective courses, humanities and languages). These courses are intended to offer a broad introduction to computer science and engineering, with a focus on computer security, artificial intelligent systems and software engineering. These are the semesters 7 and 8.

In third year (3A) of FICM...

each student chooses for semester 9 one of two tracks: computer security or artificial intelligent systems. Semester 10 is devoted to the Projet de fin d'études, a 6-month internship.

Course overview

Master in computer science

In third year, students who jointly attend the master of computer science of Université de Lorrain are exempt of some courses (on a half-day basis). Our artificial intelligent systems combines naturally with the AVR track of the master, while our computer security track combines naturally with the SIRAV or the MF2S tracks.

The teaching in the department relies heavily on projects. Students have to realize a year-long project alone or in small groups, and several courses use project-based evaluation.

Some of our professors also offer elective courses, open to students of all five scientific departments:

  • bioinformatique

  • cyber awareness

  • fondements des blockchaines

  • introduction à C/C++

  • jeu vidéo

  • logique et raisonnement